Find a Green Business
Gilliland Environmental specializes in sustainability strategies for small businesses. We work with companies throughout the Tri-County area to assist them in reaching their sustainability goals, including certification(s) through various environmental certification programs.
Frances Gilliland, Principal, also serves as the Program Director for the Green Business Program of Santa Barbara County.
Why We're Green
Working from a home-based office, we looked at the entire home including the space used as an office. We replaced all cleaning supplies with low- and non-toxic cleaners, eliminated single use paper towels completely, installed LED lights where possible. Also, by working from home we have eliminated a work commute.
We make our living by working with small businesses to help them be more sustainable. It is important that we do the same. Certification through the Green Business Program proves we are walking the walk! Going through the certification process also gave us a clear understanding of what it takes to become certified so that we are better advocates for the businesses we work for.
Contact Us
(805) 705-1686 |
451-D Cannon Green Drive, Goleta, California |